Monday, November 10, 2008

Reflection Bread 4 da city

I appreciate everything that Bread for the City is able to accomplish, but the fact of the matter is that there are way too many not-for-profits in existence today. They have proven that they can successfully operate, but there are plenty of places that have similar missions that can only accomplish stay open for a few months. The elementary school I work at has four aftercare programs. They all only have varying levels of success, because attendance counts vary so greatly across the board. Many students are enrolled in two different programs, and choose which one to go to at the end of the day. Because funding is tied to enrollment, there are no measures to prevent things like that from happening. If programs could combine their efforts, efficiency could increase tenfold. I am also on board with the idea of raising some money for some of the thanksgiving dinners. If anyone wants to go volunteer sometime, I'd be happy to join them. Just let me know.

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