Sunday, November 23, 2008

Rag Doll

This is backtracking a bit to a blog topic last week, but this article shocked me to such an extent that my second reaction (my first reaction was of absolute horror and sadness) was to post the article to the blog. The article relates to poverty – more specifically, hunger and dehydration. Even more specifically, malnutrition and death. An area that is already consumed by a lack of sufficient food and water supplies, Haiti, has recently been hit with unstoppable natural catastrophes, such as severe storms, making their living condition all the worse. Children are dying by the dozen. Dropping dead. As disturbing as it is, I saw the picture of the “rag doll” little girl and couldn’t look away. I couldn’t look away because I could not possibly understand how she could still be alive, how the conditions in the world could get this bad, how unfair life is, and how just because of her location, this innocent young child, and thousands others, will probably die of hunger. She looks like an out of proportion baby doll. She has no life left in her eyes and no emotion on her limp face – and it really strikes me. There are efforts being made by doctors without borders and other organizations, but what happens when they stop the help and retreat away from these children? Will the situation in Haiti begin to deteriorate once more? If so – WHY. Why can’t this problem be fixed. I don’t have any answers and it frustrates me. I probably sound really whiny and all Miss America “Save the World”… but its how I feel. Even when reading articles like this one, and seeing the horrific pictures, I am still detached from the actual severity of the problem – I have no idea how bad it is… I couldn’t even begin to imagine living like that. That’s not life.

Read the article: 

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