Sunday, September 28, 2008

We don't know

I think what has remained the most imprinted in my mind after our Friday discussion, and has been particularly revived after reading Ziggy’s post is that we don’t know. Life is all about personal perception of what is occurring around and to us and when we interact with people we mostly don’t have any understanding of who and what they are, we don’t know. There is a whole lot of faith involved with human interaction. We as a species generally don’t claim telepathic powers and while empathy and imagination can give us some clue as to what is going on in another being’s mind, we don’t know for sure. We are very limited in fact to what we can absolutely positively ascertain as “real “by our physical senses, and maybe we can’t even trust our senses. Personally I don’t really enjoy this line of thought, because “real” and “reality” are relative terms and I would rather not be paranoid about what is actually happening and whether my reality is the same shared by everyone, or not. My mind runs in circles, useless imaginary circuits that don’t accomplish much. Rather I would like to return to the idea that there is faith involved in human interaction. I am not discussing religious faith here or even loyalty, but only that there is some common thread/fear/need in all humans to network, some more so than others, despite the fact that we can never truly know the inner workings of another’s mind. There is still value to be had in what limited comprehension we do gain. This desire to network and understand has created society, government, nation-states, and international organizations. By codifying and regulating our interactions with other humans and groups we make it easier for dialogue and discussion and ultimately some understanding of each other. Humans are constantly striving to erase the “we don’t know” in life.

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