Monday, September 15, 2008

Class round three

I thought it was interesting that despite the previous class where the majority was arguing against Machiavellian ideology, we all came to a consensus that his themes are still relevant in modern society. I think class is a little boring when we all agree. I'd assume we are all content with realism; we think it gets the job done, but once we start exploring other theories we'll start to shift our own ideas some more. We're going to find the we're actually liberalists or perhaps a hybrid of ideas. Maybe we all were just sleepy and having a lazy Friday. We should engage a little bit more. Let's be contrary in order to open each others minds. Let's all throw ideas out there that challenge our own beliefs. When someone offers a counterpoint let's not try and defend our side to the death, but rather take it in and try to keep our minds out there and open. Our ideologies should grow with us. If they don't how can we ever truly learn?

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