Monday, December 8, 2008

Final Reflection

Y'all--we've been through.
(Or in none TX speak: You guys, we have accomplished an arduous task)
I'll admit this blogging thing worried me when I first looked at the syllabus. I'd put money on the claim that I'm the least technologically savvy among the group. But, I've come to have a love-hate relationship with this whole blog-o-sphere thing. I hate hate hate it until I finally suck up and start it. I rather quite enjoy getting my thoughts down on virtual paper.

World Politics has probably asked more of us than any of our other geneds ever will, but it is a serendipitous nuisance. My arguing skills have grown this semester more than they have in the last two years of high school, and my writing skills have been critiqued fiercer than in any writing or history class I have taken ever. I've learned time budgeting skills that will help me until I develop even better ones. I've learned how much it costs to take the metro anywhere, and that I need to remember to save $1.45 on my smarttrip so I can get there and back. I learned a few things about baseball, star wars, all american things I suppose. I've realized that I'm a control freak, but that I'm a pacifisct more. I greatly lack a sense of anxiety, which I suppose appears to be a good thing, but I'm starting to wonder why I'm really the only one who isn't stressed out about this, that, and the third. I hope most of all that I've helped y'all (you guys) learn and develop new skills just as much as y'all have helped me. Congrats guys, we're 1/8th of the way done.


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